This is a weak ding daymaster and so the wu earth is negative. You can expect his mother-in-law to be stubborn and domineering because of the strong block of wu-chen negative earth stars. Here comes the important and interesting part. Remember that his father-in-law star is yi while his mother-in-law star is wu earth. The wu earth in the month stem represents his mother-in-law. Look inside chen and you will find that yi is inside chen and there is another mother-in-law star, wu earth, in it. So, guess who actually had an affair and why his mother-in-law is so sensitive about affairs.
Ren star is his daughter and as you can see, ren star is beside the daymaster and also can be found inside hai which is also his home palace. So, his daughter is still staying with him. Gui star is his son and it is in the year branch inside zi which is also the "outside" palace. His wife had actually moved out with their son.
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