Robin's chart is that of a weak ren water DM. He has his positive xin resource star in the year stem and this makes the officer earth stars positive too. Just like Stephen Chow, the positive resource star gave him many great ideas for his comedy work. The positive officer stars gave him the nobility. In his lifetime, Robin Williams had also done much for charity.
Robin has been going through many good LPs with the positive water, metal and earth stars protruding. The xin-mao LP which ran through the eighties and the nineties had been very favorable because it formed a positive fu-yin with the year pillar. However, it was also in this LP that he had his first divorce. In the xin-mao LP, the mao-xu transformed into fire which is his negative wealth star and handed him an expensive divorce with Valerie Velardi. He then married Marsha Garces in 1989 and divorced her in 2008. Altogether, he had two divorces because of the two xu-wei destructions in his natal chart which affect the spouse palace.
People with many earth earthly branches tend to bury all their problems within themselves. In his natal chart, you can see that three out of his four earthly branches are earth stars. Well, if you learn ZiPing bazi, you will know that Robin is presently in his ji-chou LP. In this ji-chou LP, there are two sets of xu-chou-wei bullying punishment that made him felt "trapped" and caused his depression to go out of control.
May he rest in peace.