This is a weak xin DM and without any earth star protruding in the stems, most of the elements in this chart are negative. The strongest rooting of any element is when we have a block of the element in the month pillar because it is rooted in the season. In this chart, ren-zi forms a very strong block of water stars. Water stars rule the mind and thinking. So, having a very strong block of negative water stars with negative gui, we can expect this individual to be prone to great depression and to have suicidal tendency. On top of that, the water stars are also his negative output stars which can make him very impulsive and irrational.
In an interview with his ex-girlfriend, Andreas had mentioned before that
"One day I'm going to do something that will change the whole system and everyone will know my name and remember".
Those who have learnt ZiPing bazi will know that ji-you LP has not been activated and Andreas is still in the geng-xu LP. In this geng-xu LP and yi-wei year, there are 2 sets of xu-wei-chou bullying punishment which can give rise to the feelings of being "trapped". Remember that earth stars bury everything and so many inner sufferings are kept within. Please refer back to the chart of Robin Williams for another example of xu-wei-chou bullying punishment.
Lastly, the negative yi-wei fu-yin brought about this sad and tragic event.
My heart goes out to all the victims and the families of the victims. May peace be upon them.