What is the Useful god? Anybody?
It's very obvious. It has to be the earth stars. We need the earth stars to protect the metal from the fire stars. I'm sure all of you will know that fire produces earth and earth produces metal. Both the wu and ji earth are the arbitrators.
With these three examples, I hope you are clear on the difference between needing to
1. regulate,
2. medicate or
3. arbitrate a chart in finding its Useful god.
Anybody interested to find out your Useful god in your chart?
Please write in by visiting www.bingbazi.com and click on the CONTACT and send in your particulars.
1. Name
2. Gender
3. Birth date (please spell out the month)
4. Time of birth (follow your birth certificate)
5. Country
6. Occupation.
Your chart will be posted in this blog as a case study and will be open for discussion to find your Useful god. Please do not use your real name just in case the discussions reveal too much.
Apart from these, I will be giving you more examples to practice.