2. Female
3. 14th April, 1969
4. 3 am
5. Singapore
6. Unemployed
This is a strong ji day master with very strongly rooted self stars. The best element in this kind of chart is the output metal star. Unfortunately, the metal star is not in the stem although she has the rooster you in the year branch. The metal stars are needed to weaken the strong earth energies. The wood stars will not be able to reduce the strength of the earth energies because the resource fire bing is in the stem.
Although water wealth stars are positive, they will be grabbed by the other self stars the moment they appear. So, the metal stars are still the best in this kind of situation.
Geng-wu or xin-wei?
In the geng-wu luck pillar, the yin tiger and wu horse will pull in the xu dog because there is a wu earth in the stem. The xu will destruct the wei, clash with the chen and harm the rooster you. So, geng-wu is not the best choice. I will choose xin-wei because wei has no negative relationship with the natal chart.