2. Female
3. 23rd June, 1978
4. 4.51 am
5. Thailand
6. Market Researcher.
This is a strong bing day master born during the dark hours of a hot summer. Technical wise, it's good that a strong day master has output and wealth stars in the stems. It will be more complete if the officer water star also appears. Classical wise, we also need the water stars because of the hot summer night. Gui water star will be our choice but it will be transformed by the wu earth whenever it protrudes. Another point to note is that although the output earth stars are positive but when they are too strong, it can be less favorable especially when the earth stars are too dry. So, these dry earth stars too need the water stars to make them fertile. Water star is the balancing factor in this chart.
So, I'm choosing ren-zi as her best luck pillar because
1. water star helps to cool the chart.
2. the water protruding luck pillar can help make the earth stars more fertile.
3. zi helps to clash away the two wu horse stars to reduce the strong fire energy.
4. zi-chen will pull in the shen which represents her wealth and clash away the negative yin tiger.