This is a weak xin DM. Without any resource earth stars in the stems, the fire stars are negative. In the present LP, there are triple bing-shen negative fu-yins. Negative fu-yins are sad events while positive fu-yins are joyous ones. Fu-yins also amplify the energy of the fu-yin stems which in this case are the fire stars. In this 2014 jia-wu year, the jia wood further strengthens the already very strong fire stars and all the fire stars also take roots in the wu fire horse.
Fire stars rule the heart and blood. People with strong negative fire stars are prone to hypertension and high blood pressure of a dangerous level. When I read with him last year, I told him to watch out for his blood pressure. He admitted that he was having high blood pressure and was on medication. Looks like medication alone is not sufficient when you have triple negative fu-yins. You need to monitor it more closely and also make sure that the medicinal dosage is right.
May he rest in peace.